Product Description
The Cleansing Stream Seminar Workbook is designed as a companion to the video or audio sessions. In addition to providing all the scripture and quotes referenced in the sessions, the CSS Workbook will act as a guide for private time with the Holy Spirit and will help you discover and examine areas of potential bondage in your life.
Leader’s Manual – 60 pages – delivered in soft copy.
Seminar Sessions in video + audio delivered on separate USB drives
Core teachings that prepare participants to receive and maintain deliverance and healing through God’s Cleansing Stream.
- Session One (Knowing the Father): Everything Jesus did was because of His direct relationship to the Father. In like manner He wants us to have the Father’s wisdom and guidance in our thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions.
- Session Two (Walking in the Spirit): Learn how to walk spiritually-step-by-step-choosing to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit rather than allowing your soul to rule over your choices.
- Session Three (Committing Everything to God): Learn how to trust the Lord, leaning upon Him, acknowledging His direction in your walk toward fulfilling His perfect plan for your life.
- Session Four (Speaking Words of Life): Discover how words are like seeds that can be received, retained and reproduced in our lives and in the lives of others.
- Session Five (Entering the Cleansing Stream): See God’s plan for freedom and healing as you walk through the process of restoring relationship with the Lord and His rulership in your life.
- Session Six (Pressing Toward the Goal): Learn to continue the journey you’ve begun—cleanse and cover your home—and be released to serve the Lord with a humble heart.
The Bait of Satan by John Bevere
The way we react to perceived offence can either help us grow stronger or make us bitter. In this popular and influential book – released in a special 20th anniversary edition – John Bevere helps readers to live free of the deadly trap of offence. Includes prayers, affirmations, and study guide.